Car Park and Drop Off Area

For the safety of our students, teachers and parents who use the school’s ‘Drop-off and Pick-up Zone’, we ask you to take note of the following:-

  • Be vigilant of pedestrians and other vehicles
  • Take extra care at pedestrian crossings
  • To drop off/pick-up using the Passenger Loading Zone
  • Be aware that when entering the main car park from the North (Algester SS) direction, you are in a No Standing zone (between 2pm and 4pm) and cannot stop your vehicle.
  • Parents are to refrain from exiting (leaving) their vehicle in the Passenger Loading Zone when dropping off and picking up their children. Staff are on hand to support the students in and out of the vehicle between 2:50pm and 3:15pm. Students are not permitted to enter the vehicle from the right hand side or access the boot.
  • St Stephen's Pickup/ Drop off Drive Through system operates between the hours of 8.00– 8.25am and 2:50 – 3.15pm.  Queuing prior to 2:50pm creates a traffic hazard on Ridgewood Rd.  This is a safety issue.
  • A one-way system around the main school car park (off Ridgewood Road) has been designed to ensure traffic movement is predictable and safe. The St Stephen's Pickup/ Drop off Drive Through system is shown in the map below (Appendix A).
  • When leaving the car main car park or staff/visitor carpark between 8:00am – 9:00am and 2:30pm and 3:30pm you must turn left.

Please note that there is a “No Right Turn” sign as you exit the main car park. This applies between the hours of 8am – 9am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm. There is also a "No Right Turn“ sign at the end of Ackama Street. Please be aware of the safety of everyone around you, and the precious cargo you have in your car at these times.

Please pass this information on to all who are responsible for the dropping off and/or collection of your children. The parking regulations around the school are enforceable and if drivers choose to do the wrong thing, then they could be fined by the Police, who regularly do patrol in our area.

Thank you to all of our students and drivers who always do the right thing and set a safe and courteous example to others.

The Traffic Management Plan for St Stephen's School is available on our website.