Assessment at St Stephen's
At St Stephen's School, teachers assess student learning using the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. In the Australian Curriculum, achievement standards describe what students are typically able to understand and able to do by the end of the school year. They describe expected achievement at each year level or band of years. Across Prep to Year 10, the set of achievement standards describe a broad sequence of learning.
Teachers provide ongoing, multiple opportunities for assessment that are both formative and summative. The assessment is differentiated and made accessible for all learners. Diagnostic assessment tools are used throughout each year, to inform teachers of where students are in their learning journeys. Examples of these tools include PAT R and PAT M linear assessments, PAT Adaptive assessments, Brisbane Catholic Education monitoring tools. Other diagnostic assessment tools are also used, depending on the individual student needs.
When teachers make judgments about the evidence in student learning, they use the following:

Student Reports
Student reporting is completed formally twice per year; once at the end of Semester 1 and again at the end of Semester 2. All student report cards report against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standard. The report card is a summary of the Summative Assessment and evidence that teachers have collected from each student throughout the Semester. Students receive a grade for each subject studied in accordance with a 5-point scale; Well Above, Above, Expected, Below or Well Below. Teachers at St Stephen's also report on Learning Dispositions. Although these dispositions do not form part of the Australian Curriculum, being a collaborative, lifelong learner are valued skills for all students to practice. Student report cards can be obtained electronically from the Parent Portal.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher interviews occur early in Term 2 and Term 4. The purpose of these interviews is for teachers to have conversations with parents/caregivers about their child's academic and social/emotional progress. These interviews assist teachers to keep communication lines open between school and home and allow for personalised discussions about each child with the aim to improve all facets of their educational journey. Although two formal occasions are provided for Parent/Teacher interviews each year, parents/caregivers are encouraged to seek teacher feedback at any time of the year when they have concerns about their child/children or are wishing to check in on their child/children's progress.
Parent/Teacher interviews are booked through an online system called PTO (Parent Teacher Online). This booking system can be accessed through the Parent Portal or the BCE Connect App. The Assistant Principal will communicate with parents via the newsletter and email in advance to acknowledge when Parent/Teacher interviews will be held and how to access the PTO booking system.
Awards and certificates
Student awards and certificates are presented at school assemblies and on other occasions to positively reinforce the children for their good work and behaviour.
Year 3 and 5 Testing
To view the results for the NAPLAN Testing, please visit the Annual Reports section of this website