1:1 iPads
At St Stephen's there is a 1:1 iPad program offered in Years 4-6. Parents pay a fee for each year their child is in Year 4-6 and loan these devices from the school over the 3-year period. Students take care of the iPads both at school and in the home. These iPads are essential to our collaborative, contemporary learning environments where students are asked to create, collaborate and at times facilitate their own learning through inquiry type investigations.

Our Year 2 and 3 students have access to 1:1 iPads, similar to the models provided in Year 4-6. ICT as a general capability is an important skill to implement across a number of learning contexts. Ensuring students know how to manipulate their devices quickly and with ease has become a non-negotiable skill in the last few years as many more electronic demands are put onto the students, especially when collecting student data. St Stephen's School owns these iPads and the Year 2 and 3 students do not take these devices home as they are for school use only.
Our Prep and Year 1 students have access to a bank of iPads that can enable all students from one cohort to have an iPad for use. Students learn how to log in effectively and use various educational apps to facilitate and support their learning. This bank of iPads remains at school.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Stephen's School, 2023