If we think optimistically it means that we expect things to mostly turn out well and we
focus on the positives rather than the negatives in a situation. It also means that we
understand that setbacks and difficult times happen to everyone but that things get
better after a while. Teaching our students to be optimistic will help them to be better
equipped to ‘bounce back’ when they face difficulties, frustrations and problems. It
means that when they are faced with a problem they will be more likely to look for
solutions rather than giving up and not trying.
Key messages to communicate to
your child about being optimistic
this week:
Look for the small good bits in the bad things that happen.
Sometimes things happen that you don’t like. But you can usually find something
good in the situation if you try. Sometimes the good thing is that it could have been
worse. Sometimes the good thing is the lesson you learned from it. Sometimes a
small good thing happened anyway even if the rest was bad.
What can you do to help your child to
look on the bright side this week?
Good memories
Help your child to make a photo album, slide show or little book of their favourite
photos and to look at the photos to help them remember the good times when they
need ‘brightening up’.